
(or what some people may call a blog...but what can we I say- we're bougie around here) 

I look forward more to my business birthday than my actual birthday. I love that May 2nd serves as a marker for another year of putting one foot in front of the other and making things happen in my life. Every year is filled with lessons, growth, laughter, and more reassurance that this is the […]

2 years. 2 whole years ago, I jumped unexpectedly into being self employed FULL TIME. CRAZY. I was working a 40 hours a week, direct deposited pay check every other week position. I cried when I got my job at the company I worked for, I was so happy that I had security and safety, […]

Some people may think that choosing a word of the year is dumb. I get it. I truly do. Does it really matter if you chose a word of the year? Does it really change your path? Mold your thoughts and actions? Create a magical path towards happiness and contentment?  I don’t know.  But I […]

I simply can’t believe it. Meaningful Moments Events is 3!  Tuesday, May 2nd marked the 3rd year since I registered the LLC to start the business I never thought would really be a thing. The whole time I thought that maybe something would come of it, one or two weddings a year and maybe some […]

365 days as a self employed boss lady. Planning weddings, designing, dreaming, and sometimes freaking the heck out. It’s an interesting thing to reflect on and I thought I would share some of the things I’ve learned over the last trip around the sun.  1) I will never be a “paperless” operation. When I first became […]

I have started and scraped this blog post at least two dozen times. I’m terrified to share this, but also feel like it’s time. I have ached to scream from the highest peak so that the people who suffer like I do will hear me and know they are not alone and so we can go […]

MMMMMK…so over the last year or so I have become a HUGE fan of Podcasts! I love to listen to Podcasts while I am driving, or getting ready in the morning. Sometimes I find that when my anxiety is really bad listening to just music can actually make it worse, it’s almost too much stimulation […]

I have to be honest for a moment here. I tooootally failed at 2016. Big time. I was pushing so hard towards my goals that I absolutely did not spend intentional time doing ANYTHING for myself or the back side- the heart and soul of my business.  Blogs were few and far between, work on […]

I know, I know. January is almost over and I am JUST now getting around to really digging in and digging deep to set my goals for this year. Well, let me tell you, better late than never. I really believe that it isn’t about WHEN you start, but rather that you ACTUALLY GET STARTED. […]

I am so, so very excited to finally share the new look of Meaningful Moments Event Planning and Coordination! A new website, pretty black, gray, white and rose gold brand color scheme, a new look for the blog, and a renewed joy. I gathered my thoughts, about what I wanted my brand to reflect, who I […]